Sunday, September 26, 2010

The ol' grind.

So little time, so much to cover. Here are a smattering of photos from the beginning of our 'fall' season.
The 'opening ceremony' in the new art room with the new grade 6 students. We had a ribbon cutting ceremony and some sparkling apple cider... great way to start a monday morning.
Art room in progress... check out that space!
my little corner

This is what it looked like on the monday we started school... we kept the hope alive.
Our landlord & Matt putting up the hurricane shutters while i nervously paced around the house.

Survival Kit... i was sure we would float away.
60-90 mph winds... can't imagine if the class 3 hurricane would have actual hit us

Our friend's pup, Honey, cuddling up with her friends at Zach's place during the Hurricane.
Putting out the vibe over Carrot Bay.
Clint and Matt catchin' the sea breeze.
Against the wind.
Right outside of our apt. after the lil' storm surge.

Our landlord told us "yeah, you'll be fine staying in your apt during the storm!"
but...waves that cover our road in coral =not convincing me to stay on the flat during a storm...
Bomba Shack is the same old, just no floor... but hey, not big deal...

Pieces of Bomba's heart & soul... washed ashore.

Power on... Power off... We have water... now we don't. Slight lifestyle change.
Soper's Hole Boats gone astray.


the storm crushed a couple of banana trees outside of our neighbor's house... and as we suffered the loss of the sweet fruits, a beacon of hope shone brightly through the wreckage. IT WAS A.....

A few weirds posing behind the ugliest chair set anyone would ever think to purchase.
a disco ball and sponge bob... obviously someone has excellent taste.

Taking the oven for a 'test drive' with our pineapple, ham and ash flavored pie.
Just a normal Saturday afternoon, huddling around a burning hot oven, in 90 degree weather, under a disco ball.
Big Al doesn't pose for pictures.

This cat wont leave us alone... due to Adam giving him a little bit of TLC one summer's eve.
grow little mangrove.
Taking a spin up the hill, there's our little neighborhood!
Palm's delight down the street... mmm.. ROTIS & friend plantains.
Just a little sugar right outside of our front door on the way to work.

tiniest lizard in the universe.
lovely sunsets.
stormy sundays.
This island can not handle a little bit of rain....
30 minutes of steady rain creates rivers in all of the wrong places.
poor, poor coral.

Little Sunday yak around Soper's hole and Little Thatch (a privately owned island right off of the West End of Tortola)


Good finds.

Attempting to avoid sunburn... and looking mighty creepy while doing it.
love in the buff. (those things are called buffs for those who aren't fishing fanatics)

matt's favorite tree.