Taking advantage of our 2nd bedroom, which is available to rent by any of our friends and family for the low, low price of free, a few great friends stopped by for an action-packed long weekend. After narrowly escaping Newark airport during a lull in the snowicane, snowmageddon, snowpocalypse, snownado, (take your pick) we hung out at Smuggler's Cove on the first day of their visit, where we all managed to get scorched by the sun. Some of us much worse than others. The harsh mid atlantic winters don't seem to do much for your tan, and all it takes is 15 minutes for a burn in the Caribbean. Ask Parry what it's like to take a short nap on the beach in the sun with your arms over your head after forgetting, naturally, to put sunscreen in your armpits.
Somebody let Liz sit next to the pilot.

Josh's Self Portrait.

Parry: About to incite a soft-batch feeding frenzy.

Nick and Liz: on a boat.
On Day 2 we hired a boat and island hopped in the choppy seas. It was the roughest day yet in Drake Channel and it took us a good hour to get from Cane Garden Bay to Norman Island for some snorkeling and aquatic spelunking. Along the way, we hit a rogue wave and Nick backflipped off of the bow and crashed to the deck at Liz's feet. Liz mistakingly took the worst seat on the boat in the worst possible conditions. Every chop we hit it was as if someone threw a bucket of water in her face. She put up with it and all of us laughing uncontrollably at her for the entire trip to Norman.
We made a short video of the long weekend. It has many more pictures and some great video of what we did and saw.
We snorkeled the Indians and the Caves, got close to a sea turtle and incited a feeding frenzy of yellowtail snappers before we headed to Jost Van Dyke for lunch. We anchored the boat at White Bay and swam about 100 yards to shore. The beach was packed! Cruise ships have begun shipping their passengers to White Bay so they can float on a fun-noodle to shore, get drunk, embarrass themselves, get towed back out to their boat, and ferried back to the cruise ship all in one afternoon. We saw one woman drunkenly stumble down the sandy beach and sit, indian style, on the sand. It wasn't more than 4 seconds before a wave crashed right into her face. She backflipped and tried to get up but failed. Her bathing suit was askew and she was drowning, but I doubt she knew it. Finally, her husband waded in, beer in hand, to rescue her. She had no idea where she was.

Needless to say, we swam back to the boat and got the heck out of there. We headed to a deserted island called Sandy Cay. We anchored and swam ashore onto the most beautiful island we have yet visited. Perfect sandy beach, trails through the brush lined with cactus and palm trees, the trail covered in hermit crabs and lizards. We vowed to come back someday to camp.

Sandy Cay: This is the BVI
Stace did as admirable job as first mate and I was relieved that I didn't hit anything, anyone, or sink the boat during our day out. After returning the boat we made an early night of it to wake up with the sun and head to Virgin Gorda for the obligatory tour of the Baths. It was gorgeous.
That night, we hit up Bomba's Full Moon Party. World Famous, Nick, Josh, and Parry planed their visit around the lunar cycle to be on the island for this full moon party. We were so exhausted from the fast-paced weekend that we didn't last too long at the party, but it was fun anyway.
The next morning we slept in and drove to the airport to see Nick, Josh, Liz and Parry off, hoping they return soon for another adventure in the BVI.

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