It never fails. When a couple of teachers congregate, it's inevitable that the conversation will go the way of sharing teaching stories and experiences. I always feel terrible for the one friend or significant other who works on the 'outside'.
Although it's time consuming, messy and a lot of times frustrating for whatever reason, when it comes down to it, I've got a pretty great job. Bowie High or Cedar School, If I'm having a bad morning, a student always manages to crack me up and get me out of that rut. I love being inspired through student talent, passion, interest and background. I learn something new technically, conceptually or historically each time a plan/teach a new unit.
Here are a couple of pictures of the K-12 'Art Sanctuary.'
I'm creating my very first lesson for our very first unit at this very moment and am feeling quite downtrodden... this post lifted my spirits :) miss you Stace, hope you had a great birthday!