Back on Tortola, Matt and I had a wonderfully relaxing and eventful summer break.
Our Aussie co-worker Adam has a t-shirt that says something along the lines of, "The two best things about teaching= July & August". And while I do believe whole-heartedly that teaching is one of the best careers you can possibly get into (i mean, you must agree that being creative, watching ideas spark and playing around with art supplies isn't such a bad gig), but I obviously appreciate the opportunity to dig into summer adventures and begin with a fresh mind each fall.
My little break was choc full of loving family, friends, weddings, and day trips in and around what i like to call "The Greater Lancaster Area" It was so wonderful to see everyone. I know I can speak for matt and myself when i say that we both feel extremely lucky to have the kind of family who loves us unconditionally, and invites us back with open arms time and time again, and friends who when re-united with after a year, it feels like we haven't missed a beat.
Matt has been back on the island and in the fishing zone for a couple of weeks, catching some beautiful creatures with team mark&adam. I've only returned to this front porch view as of two days ago. Leaving home is always bittersweet, but I'm really pumped to dive into our 2nd year.
Here is a bit of a re-cap from my whirlwind of a summer vacation in sunny Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Welcomed back with a shot of mango rum in St. Thomas and this lovely sunset.

One of my favorite places on earth. Lancaster Central Market... also known as MARKET to Lancaster Folk.

Oh, just a normal family outing in Philadelphia. Dad fits right in with the Philly crowd.

Climbing the most frightening 5.6 of my life in the Gunks, NY.
Good to see you Cathy :)

Celebrating our lives upon returning to the ground.

An unusual Giandalia Saturday afternoon on the slots.

Matt and Yoko at Kelly & Jason's wedding. Large Mountain Man meets Small Japanese Craftswoman. Good combo.

Some of the lancaster ladies.

We managed to go to attend 3 beautiful weddings in the short two week span that we were both home... congrats kelly & jason, kelly & travis and lauren & ray!

Drinking some delicious Lancaster 4-grain beers at Kelly & Jason's.

Lookin' like a million bucks.

Day trip to D.C. to check out the Natural History Museum with my sister and a couple of East Coast sojourners, Clint and Michelle.

I probably have at least 20 pictures of the reflecting pool and Lincoln Memorial, but hey, it never gets old!

Matt & I learned of the iconic Ben's Chili Bowl while channel surfing to Anthony Bourdain's show, 'No Reservations'. The chili dogs were top notch. Interesting fact-This place stayed open through the street riots of '68 after M.L. King was assassinated. There was a student run, non-violence committee located across the street that obtained police permission for the restaurant to stay open after hours to provide food and shelter for activists, firefighters etc.

Kels and I ambled around the city during one heck of a hot summer day, checking out the scenery, sharing some stories and trying not to breathe in the Philly Fumes.

First Fridays are also on my 'top 10 favorite things' list. Sharing this art viewing experience with Kase and Katie D.

Lancaster city, you're such a pretty little ting.
Great Street Art Project- PIANOS were scattered all over the streets of Lancaster. I love art installations that urge you to PLEASE TOUCH!

K.C. the wonderdog.... she's doing well since her knee surgery. The last time I saw her she was wearing a bald leg and a cone-of-shame. Looking good KASE!

I could have made it an even 4 weddings in 3 weeks, but as Sarah is one for spontaneity, they were engaged and planned the wedding in the short period after we bought our tickets. I missed the shindig by two days, but luckily was able to attend her little bachelorette party at Nissely Winery. What a delicious spread.

A lovely night for some wine, treats and a combination of top 40 covers from the 60's-90's. Perfection.

Baltimore has been missed... but we were able to indulge in some Maryland Crabs, Cross street market breakfasts, the Visionary Art Museum, Hamden, harbor walks and Dani's Hilarious pool located in her parking space in the alley out back of her row home. Here's a group photo from the Charm City Pool Party. :)

The most beautiful friend you could ask for and a crazy Bamboo Installation on top of the Met in NYC.

Ange taking a break from editing scripts for new and exciting Syi-Fi television Movies such as Mega Shark and Giant Octopus.
This installation called 'Big Bambu: You can't. You don't. and you won't stop.' was 100 feet long, 50 feet wide and 50 feet high, towering out over the N.Y. city skyline. This structure was meant to look like a cresting wave and was made of numerous staircases and bridges. Continually being built up by a group of rock climbers, the sculpture perpetually changes and is meant to represent the complexity of an ever evolving organism. Pretty sweet. The only thing that lets me down about the roof top sculpture garden are the crowds of people jumping into your photographs and the $8.00 beers. Life is tough.
Reminded me of childhood bamboo forts in the backyard.

Only rockclimbers would know how to work the ropes like this.

A small but exciting figure exhibit in the Met.
Some of my favorites... Alice Neel & Phillip Pearlstein to name a few!

george segal.

This is just a little taste of the summer travels... Mostly mine... seeing as how Matt doesn't take pictures when fish aren't involved. I plan to coax him into taking more photos by carrying a tarpon around with me at all times.
We love and miss you all. Come join us this year... our guest bedroom, complete with deflated air mattress awaits you.
A shout out to our blog's biggest fan- My Pop Pop (I love you Pop-Pop, thanks for reading and inspiring me to actually sit down and write these things, can't wait to see you at Christmas time!